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Carney Academy First Aid Policy Statement



Children and adults in our Academies need good quality first aid provision. Clear and agreed systems should ensure that all students are given the same care and understanding in our school. This care should extend to emergency first aid provision, the administration of medicines to dealing with Asthma and headlice.



This policy;

  1. Gives clear structures and guidelines to all employed and freelance staff regarding all areas of first aid and medicines

  2. Clearly defines the responsibilities and the staff

  3. Enables staff to see where their responsibilities end

  4. Ensures the safe use and storage of medicines in the school

  5. Ensures the safe administration of medicines in the school

  6. Ensures good first aid cover is available in the school and on extra-curricular activities including theatre visits and school performances.



This policy is regularly reviewed and updated. This policy has safety as its priority. Safety for the children and adults receiving first aid or medicines and safety for the adults who administer first aid or medicines.




The administration and organisation of fist aid and medicines provision is taken very seriously at Carney Academy. There are annual procedures that check on the safety and systems that are in place in this policy.


First Aid Policy




All staff are offered emergency first aid and paediatric first aid training and all staff undertake a rolling program of retraining every three years, in line with current national guidance.



Cheshire Academy – David Gregan-Jones and Laura Surgenor

Cheadle Hulme Academy – David Gregan-Jones and Laura Surgenor

Sheffield Academy – Rhiannon Morgan



Each school has a designated first aid officer (SEE ABOVE), responsible for the up-keep of the academy first aid kit. First aid kits are stored in the classroom of each of our academies – extra first aid kits are available from the building suppliers we lease each space from. First aid kits are available for use out of school visits.



All adult students are required to deal with their own small cuts and should a small cut arise, they will have use of the available first aid kit.


Anyone under the age of 18 (including those who are under 18 but attend our adult class) will have small cuts tended to by the designated first aid officer. All open cuts should be covered after they have been treated with a medi wipe.


Children should always be asked if they can wear plasters BEFORE one is applied.


Children who are allergic to plasters will be given an alternative dressing, available in the first aid box.


Minor cuts should be recorded in the accident file and parents informed.

ANYONE TREATING AN OPEN CUT SHOULD USE PROTECTIVE GLOVES. All blood waste is disposed of in bins – ideally in clinical waste or sanitary waste bins, located in most toilet areas.


Any bump to the head, no matter how minor is treated as important. All bumped heads should be treated with an ice pack. Parents and guardians must be informed. A copy of the record of the incident is sent home and parents are asked to stay alert for any changes in child’s behaviour. Parents are informed by phone if the incident is considered to be serious. ALL bumped head incidents should be recorded in the accident file.



An accident book is located in the first aid box; it has a carbon copy which is sent to parents. If a child has a bump to the head advice for parents on head injuries should be offered, in line with first aid training. Old accident books are stored at Carney Academy HQ.

For major accidents, a RIDDOR form must be completed as soon as possible after the accident. These are available from Carney Academy HQ, to first aid officers on request, once completed the form is returned to HQ and filed in the first aid folder.



In the case of major accidents, it is the decision of the first aider if the emergency services are to be called. Any other staff teaching are expected to support and assist the trained first aider in their decision.

If a member of staff is asked to call the emergency services, they must,

  1. State what has happened

  2. The child’s/adults name

  3. The age of the child/adult

  4. Whether the casualty is breathing and/or unconscious

  5. The location of the school

In the event of the emergency services being called, a member of the staff or another adult in the vicinity, other than the first aid trainer, should wait by the academy teaching venue entrance and guide the emergency vehicle into the school. If the casualty is a child, their parents should be contacted immediately and given all the information required. If the casualty is an adult, their next of kin should be called immediately. All contact numbers for children and staff are clearly located in the academy dropbox and the first aid trainer should call the academy duty phone to access this folder.



What can be administered?

There are many times when children recovering from a short-term illness are well enough to return to our class room, whilst still receiving medication. Where this is necessary, we ask that the medicine/tablets be given at home. In many instances the dosage is such that could be conveniently administered immediately before and after school. A responsible adult (over 18 years old) is welcome to come into academy classroom to administer any medicines at any time. Adult students requiring medication are asked to administer this at home, or in a private area of our training venue, such as the toilet or communal areas.

Our staff prefer not to administer any routine medications, and with the exception of medications such as inhalers, no children should bring medication to self- medicate. Individual medication cases should always be discussed with the school.

Parents/carers of children with long-standing medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy,) should contact the school for clarification of the schools’, “administration of medication policy.”


Non-cosmetic, medicated creams and creams for skin conditions can be applied in school. Staff are available to supervise pupils applying creams if required; however staff must not rub cream onto a child’s body unless agreed with the parents/guardian. With agreement, application of these creams will be made under the observation of another adult.

Adult students requiring use non-cosmetic, medicated creams and creams for skin conditions are asked to apply these themselves, in a private area of our training venue, such as the toilet or communal areas.



No medicines are stored by our teaching staff. Epipens, available in our first aid kits, are clearly labelled and stored securely. Any administration of medicines to someone under 18 years, including epipens must be witnessed by two adults.


When regular medication is required (this must be pre-approved with the school, as per above) on administration a signing record sheet will be completed for individual pupils. Before administering medicines, staff should read this dates entry section of the record to check that the medicine has not already been administered.


At the beginning of each academic year, any medical problems are shared with staff and a list of these children and their conditions is kept in the relevant school dropbox folder. Photographs and signs can be made of children with severe medical problems and these are displayed in the relevant academy dropbox.


Some people require epipens to treat the symptoms of anaphylaxis shock. Carney Academy staff are not required to keep epipens in school first aid box. If a student has a known allergy, they must have an epipen with them whenever they are present in our training venues.

In line with first aid training, our first aid officers should be consulted before the use of an epipen on any child or adult.


Children requiring inhalers must have their inhalers with them at all times, when in our training venues. Children are expected to take their inhalers with them whenever they do rigorous activity.

Asthma sufferers should share inhalers in emergencies only.

In the event of a child having an asthma attack, who has no inhaler, the parents must be sought quickly by phone to give permission for the administration of someone else’s inhaler. If parents cannot be located, then the emergency services will be contacted and another child’s relief inhaler (usually blue) can be administered.


Staff do not touch children and examine them for headlice. If we suspect a child has headlice parents are informed and school requests that they are treated as soon as possible. When school is informed of a case of headlice, a standard letter is sent to all students at the academy, where the case has been identified.



If a child or adult vomits or has diarrhoea in school, they will be sent home immediately. Children and adults with these conditions will be asked to refrain from attending our academy lessons 48 hours after the last symptom has elapsed.


The school will make every effort to continue the administration of medication to a pupil whilst on visits away from the school premises, even if additional arrangements might be required. However, there may be occasions when it may not be possible to manage an individual pupil’s condition safely and this will feature as part of the risk assessment.

Reviewed: August 2023

Next review: August 2024

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